After all these years and coming this far, I wanted to acknowledge a few of the many, many people who have meant a great deal to me and without whom I could never have continued on this journey.

First and foremost, my wonderful family whose support and love is part of all my work. Until his death, my husband Nick, gave me the freedom to create, and was truly the wind beneath my sails. My three children, Cary, Christopher and Jen have been my pillars of support, always there for me, easing my anxieties and making each exhibit a very special and proud time for me. My brother and sister and all my dear friends, too many to name each, but I can see all their faces now, at every exhibit, some traveling very far to be there, and words can’t say how much it has always meant to me.

I also want to mention how honored and humbled I am, and continue to be, by the support of my faithful collectors and patrons, who have stood by me for years and whose faith in me has encouraged me to always do better. My deepest thanks to each one of you. 

To those who had an impact on my ceramic career and whose belief in me was unwavering I can only say how forever grateful I will always be. Many years ago Charlotte Moss took a leap of faith and gave me my first NYC exhibition in her beautiful shop. She became a great friend, encouraging me to make pieces I might never have thought of and gave me a library of books that are, to this day, invaluable to my work.

The day that I first met the brilliant Jimmy Steinmeyer was a day that changed everything for me as we became partners in our artistic endeavors as well as best friends forever. We first had an exhibit downtown showing Jimmy’s beautiful botanical paintings and my ceramic flowers and then a dream exhibit together at The National Academy Of Design hosted and made possible by Susan Gutfreund and Charlotte Moss. Soon after, Jimmy and his beloved David Easton, introduced me to wonderful Emmanuel Moatti, who also became a great friend. He had a fabulous gallery in Paris and Jimmy and I had two very successful exhibits there. Thank you, again, to my very special friend, Susan Gutfreund, who waved her magic wand and made all the magic of Paris happen. Thank you Emmanuel, and, to this day, I’ll never understand how you trusted me, knowing so little about my work.

After Paris, and because of Jimmy, I was introduced to Mallett’s which, at that time, was a very beautiful shop on Madison Ave, in NYC as well as in London. There followed years of exhibits both in New York and in London and a very happy partnership. A special thank you to Henry Neville who also believed in me.

Fabulous Robert Rufino, who was the Creative Director at Tiffany & Co., made my Cinderella moment happen when he put my flowers in all five of the Tiffany windows. I think of Robert as part of our family and we are part of his army of friends who love him dearly.

One day, a long time ago, Chris Spitzmiller knocked on the door of my studio and asked me if I might like to put some flowers on his vases that he made into lamps. The rest is history and our story is here under the heading Collaboration. My admiration for Chris knows no bounds. He is truly the nicest, kindest, most talented, inquisitive, sharing, best friend any one could ever have. Oh, and modest, aside from the fact that he has become so famous! I love you, Chris!

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge a few of the special people, all of whom I admire and who have written so kindly about my work. Mario Buatta was quoted in a wonderful article, written by Catherine Marron, in House and Garden, as it was known then, and I was always touched by what he said. His quote was “ what Potter captures in a piece of clay, nature can only achieve for one brilliant moment”. This particular article was about the extraordinarily talented Anne Gordon and myself and she and I went on to share a professional friendship. I am grateful also to Stephen Drucker, Wendy Goodman, Bunny WilliamsHamish Bowles and many others for their very kind, written words and friendship over the years.

And now there lies excitement ahead for new projects and my head is buzzing with creativity and tremendous gratitude.